The database switcher provides easy navigation between databases. The active database will be highlighted with a yellow background. All databases not belonging to the chess variant of the active database are disabled (white background).
While keeping the middle mouse button (i.e. the scroll wheel) pressed an information box will be shown.
The functionalities of the database switcher:
For adminstration of the database a context-sensitive menu is available:
Opens a box displaying various database information.
database export
into other database formats or document formats.
If this database contains several
chess variants (only possible
in case of Clipbase or PGN files) only the games
of the active chess variant will be exported.
file selection dialog for the selection of PGN files for import. It is possible to select multiple PGN files simultaneously. The games will be appended at the end of the database.
Opens thefile selection dialog. All games will be appended at the end of the database. You may select multiple databases simultaneously.
The databases for import will be selected with the This sub-menu provides functionality for the maintenance of databases (⇒database archive. The file selection dialog will be opened for the selection of an archive name.
Create a
Closing the Clipbase is not possible.
ChessBase databases and Zip archives (.zip)
are always read-only.
The Clipbase cannot be set
Open another database.
Open a database via the database history.
chess variant please use the next menu item.
Create a new database. Only Scidb and Scid databases (.sci, .si4, .si3) can be created. If the database should store games of anychess variant. Only Scidb databases can be created in this case.
Create a new database of anySelection of the symbol size for the database tiles.
Open the help dialog about the database switcher.
This sub-menu provides functionality for the maintenance of databases.
This is not possible for the Clipbase.
This is not possible for the Clipbase.
Remove a selection of move information (for example "Elapsed Move Time") from database. This is useful, for example, to remove subsequently unwanted information (here "Elapsed Milliseconds") after import of FICS games.
Compact) of the database is done.
This feature scans the database for extra PGN tags (such as "WhiteTeam"). Then, one may strip some of these extra tags from the database. Removing unwanted tags will accalerate position search, but not before a compaction (⇒Compact this database, this means that all games marked for deletion wil be deleted physically. Furthermore the gaps will disappear caused by some actions. You cannot revert this action. This menu item is disabled if the database does not contain any gaps, and also no game has a deletion marker.
Database can be opened with the drop of an URI list. If an URI list (list of files) – or a single file – will be dragged over the database switcher, a colored background will indicate that a drop of this item is possible. In this way you may open databases with the help of an external file manager.
The list of files may also be dropped over a database field. In this case the games will be copied into the destination database.
To copy all games of one database to another (optional for only one chess variant), drag the games while holding the left mouse button and drop the games into the destination field. It is required that the destination database is writeable and not disabled. This is an important way to manage and copy games within databases.