NAG annotation values
NAG = Numeric Annotation Glyph
PGN-Standard defines the following NAG values:
Infix annotations:
- Good move
- Poor move
- Very good move
- Very poor move
- Interesting move
- Questionable move
Other proposed NAG values are:
Prefix annotations:
- With the idea
- Aimed against
- Better is
- Worse is
- Equivalent is
- Editor's remark
Suffix annotations:
- Novelty
- Weak Point
- Endgame
- Line
- Diagonal
- White has a pair of Bishops
- Black has a pair of Bishops
- Bishops of opposite color
- Bishops of same color
Scidb is defining some more NAG values:
Suffix annotations:
- Diagram
- Diagram from black's perspective
- Isolated pawns
- Doubled pawns
- Connected pawns
- Passed pawn
- Hanging pawns
- Backward pawns
- More pawns
- More room
- With
- Without
- Center
- File
- Rank
- See
- Various alternatives
- Etc.
For the support of commentaries in ChessBase files some more NAG
values are required:
- Space
- Zeitnot
- Development
- Zugzwang
- Time limit
- Attack
- Initiative
- Counterplay
- With compensation for the material
- Pair of bishops
- Kingside
- Queenside
Scid and ChessPad define further NAG values (> 190). But these values
will be automatically mapped to Scidb specific values during import
and database conversion.