Scidb's database archive is based on an independent archive format with the general file suffix ".ive". Scidb will use the special file suffix ".scv". This archive format contains information about the included file like name, size, compression method, etc.
This archive format has the following syntax (simplified EBNF):
Archive = Magic [ ArchInfo ] [ UserInfo ] { File } ;
Magic = 'iveArch' LF ;
File = Header BinaryData ;
Header = HeadDelim LF HeaderInfo DataDelim ;
HeadDelim = LF '<-- H E A D -->' ;
DataDelim = '<-- D A T A -->' LF ;
HeaderInfo =
'<FileName>' { Space } FileName LF
[ '<URI>' { Space } Number LF ]
[ '<FileSize>' { Space } Number LF ]
[ '<Size>' { Space } Number LF ]
[ '<Compression>' { Space } Compression LF ]
[ '<Checksum>' { Space } Crc32Number LF ]
[ '<Modified>' { Space } Timestamp LF ]
[ '<Encoding>' { Space } Encoding LF ] ;
Space = HT | " " ;
Compression = 'raw' | 'zlib' | 'lzo' ;
BinaryData = { Byte } ;
ArchInfo = '<TotalSize>' { Space } Number ;
UserInfo = LF { Attribute LF } Attribute ;
Attribute = AttrName { Space } AttrValue ;
AttrName = "<" Identifier ">" ;
Identifier = AsciiLetter { AsciiLetter } ;
AttrValue = AsciiGraphical { AsciiGraphical } ;
Timestamp = Date " " Time ;
Date = Year "-" Month "-" Day ;
Time = Hour ":" Minute ":" Second ;
is any platform independent, and valid
file name, without a preceding path. A platform independent file name cannot
contain the characters "<" and ">"
is an unified resource identifier, for example
, or
. It is the decision of the
decoder in which way the preceding path specification will be used.
is the size of the file contained inside
the archive,
is the size of the unpacked file.
This internal size information is simultaneously the offset to next file
contains the sum of all unpacked files.
This attribute may not be available if the sum is unknown.
is a check-sum which concerns the file
data inside the archive, and will be computed with the CRC32 method.
contains the last modification timestamp
(GMT), the decoder may use this information to restore this timestamp in the
extracted file.
is specifying the character set.
The attributes <FileName>
, <URI>
, <Size>
, <Checksum>
and <Modified>
may be enumerated in random order.
The default for the attribute <Compression>
' (which means no decompression is required).
if URI
is an external sink (for example http://*
may not be available, and FileSize
may be unknown as well (not available). In this case usually the data section
is empty (empty line). But file data may be available, which should be used
if the external sink is unavailable. Then the attribute Size
has to be specified anyway.
is chosen in a way that the following points will be ensured:
In ".scv" format the attribute UserInfo
has the
following definition:
UserInfo = { LF Attributes } ;
Attributes =
"<Format>" { Space } Formats
"<Type>" { Space } Type
[ "<Count>" { Space } Number ] ;
Type = 'single' | 'multi' ;
Formats = Format { "," Format } ;
Format = 'sci' | 'si3' | 'si4' |
'cbh' | 'cbf' | 'pgn' |
'pgn.gz | 'bpgn' | 'bpgn.gz' ;
is the number of games in the database. If this
information is unknown (for example in case of PGN files), then this
attribute is not available.
describes the format of the extracted database.
In general archives do contain only one database (<Type>
= 'single'). But it is also provided that several database may be packed in one
archive. In this case <Type>
should have the value 'multi', and
will contain a comma separated list of all
comprised database formats. Moreover <Count>
is the sum of all games in all databases.
The order of the attributes <Count>
, <Format>
and <Type>
is arbitrary.
At least two simple examples for archives:
<TotalSize> 468
<Count> 1
<Format> pgn
<Type> single
<-- H E A D -->
<Name> one-game.pgn
<Size> 468
<Compression> raw
<Checksum> 3225351655
<Modified> 2012-02-21 18:31:12
<-- D A T A -->
[Event "London knockout"]
[Site "London"]
[Date "1851.05.27"]
[Round "1.1"]
[White "Staunton, Howard"]
[Black "Brodie, Alfred"]
[Result "1-0"]
[EventDate "1851.05.27"]
[EventCountry "ENG"]
[EventType "k.o."]
[EventRounds "3"]
[ECO "C44"]
[TimeMode "normal"]
[Source "Tournaments"]
[SourceDate "2004.03.11"]
1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.d4 exd4 4.Bc4 Bb4+ 5.c3 dxc3 6.O-O
Qf6 7.e5 Qe7 8.a3 cxb2 9.Bxb2 Bc5 10.Nc3 d6 11.Nd5 Qd8
12.exd6 Bxd6 13.Bxg7 Bg4 14.Re1+ Nge7 15.Nf6# 1-0
<Format> pgn
<Type> multi
<-- H E A D -->
<FileName> tiny-1.pgn
<-- D A T A -->
<-- H E A D -->
<FileName> tiny-2.pgn
<-- D A T A -->