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Scidb users may find the following websites interesting:
Tracker: Feature Requests
Send feature requtests; please consider the existing
development roadmap.
Tracker: Bugs
Report problems with Scidb.
Reviews for Scidb
This website offers the opportunity for a review about Scidb.
Subscribe Scidb Users Mailing List
At this place you may do an entry into the member list of the
"Scidb Users Mailing List". This user list provides information, news,
and proposals. Members of this list may send messages which will be
distributed to all members automatically.
The legendary chess engine Crafty. The subdirectory there named TB has many
Nalimov-format tablebase files that you can use in several chess programs and
in (a later version of) Scidb.
This site does also provide tablebase files, including 6-men bases.
The Week in Chess
An excellent weekly bulletin of international chess games in available
in PGN format.
Standard: Portable Game Notation Specification and Implementation Guide
The PGN Standard, created by Steven J. Edwards in 1994. This website
explains the PGN and EPD formats in detail.